Kytos-ng 2023.2

Kytos-ng1 version 2023.2 was released in February 2024.


This version had these major objectives:

  • Augment mef_eline to support vlan ranges
  • Develop telemetry_int NApp
  • Augment pathfinder filters to be able to exclude metadata ownership values
  • Allow more granular configuration for event buffers queue size
  • mef_eline general enhancements
  • UI components for pathfinder,sdntrace_cp, and mef_eline
  • Migrate core UI and NApps UI to Vue.js 3
  • flow_stats in favor of kytos_stats

1. Augment mef_eline to support vlan ranges

mef_eline EVPL now supports symmetric vlan ranges. This feature enables a set of vlans to be encapsulated in a single EVPL, which also tries to efficiently minimizes the number of flow entries on both ingress and engress switches with vlan masks.

2. Develop telemetry_int NApp

A new NApp telemetry_int has been developed. This NApp is responsible for enabling In-Band Network Telemetry (INT) on EVCs. On this first iteration, INT can be enabled or disabled on EVCs, when INT is enabled, telemetry_int will provision higher priority flows matching TCP and UDP packets. For more information, check out EP031 blueprint. On this iteration, telemetry_int hasn’t implemented network convergence events yet, which will be released in the next version.

3. Augment pathfinder filters to be able to exclude metadata ownership values

pathfinder now supports a not_ownership filter, which will logically exclude accordingly the given ownership values. mef_eline has also been augmented to support setting this not_ownership filter on both primary and secondary constraints.

4. Allow more granular configuration for event buffers queue size

On kytos.conf these new options are supported:

  • api_concurrency_limit for setting the maximum number of concurrent API requests on synchronous @rest endpoints before rejecting requests.
  • event_buffer_conf for setting each KytosEventBuffer queue size for fine tuning. Prior to this version, each bounded queue size was derived from the thread_pool_max_workers linearly, but now queue sizes can be configured separated from the number of the thread pool workers. By default, each KytosEventBuffer queue size will be twice as the size of the number of the thread pool workers of a related thread pool.
  • thread_pool_queue_monitors and event_buffer_monitors are for monitoring high queue usage of thread pools and KytosEventBuffers respectively, by default, queue monitors are enabled and they will start logging a warning if any of the monitored queues are with 100% utilization over a time window of 5 seconds, which are configurable. Queue monitors coupled with APM can provide enhanced visibility for detecting queueing overload.

If upgrading from prior Kytos-ng versions, one might want to regenerate kytos.conf file to have all the default values explicitly set.

5. mef_eline general enhancements

The following significant enhancements and fixes have been shipped on this version:

  • The active state now persists in the database, this has simplified EVCs activations that used to happen during kytosd restart.
  • The disjoint algorithm now also excludes sharing switches when selecting the failover_path.
  • Fixed race condition on failover_path when handling simultaneous link down events.
  • EVC active status now include UNIs status.
  • Fixed validation when trying to reusing the same UNI vlan when updating an EVC.

6. UI components for pathfinder,sdntrace_cp, and mef_eline

mef_eline vlan ranges [[int, int]] is also avaiable in the UI:

Figure 1 - mef_eline Web UI

Also, in the core interface component one can find information about the current ranges of vlans and which ranges are still available to use:

Figure 2 - Interface tag ranges Web UI

sdntrace_cp has new UI components supporting the current v1 API:

Figure 3 - sdntrace_cp Web UI

pathfinder now also interpolates certain reserved metadata values:

Figure 3 - pathfinder_ui Web UI

7. Migrate core UI and NApps UI to Vue.js 3

A new effort to migrate core UI to Vue.js 3 has been started, most major blockers have been addressed. In a next version, the migration to Vue 3 will be executed.

8. flow_stats in favor of kytos_stats

flow_stats NApp has been deprecated in favor of kytos_stats. kytos_stats is flow_stats’s successor, all flow_stats functionalities are still available and exposed on API endpoints but with a different route prefix, check out the API docs for more information.

Database data model changes

If upgrading from 2023.1 the follow mandatory scripts need to be executed. In the scripts folder there’s a file with more information about each script:

topology mandatory scripts for the interface_details collection:

  • scripts/ to update available_tags and set tag_ranges.
  • scripts/ to set special_available_tags and special_tags.

mef_eline mandatory scripts for the evcs collection:

  • scripts/ to update tag_type from integer to string.

mef_eline optional scripts:

  • scripts/ can be used to redeploy symmetric (same UNI vlans) EVPLs. set_vlan action is only set if UNI A vlan and UNI Z vlan are different now.

Kytos-ng and NApps released

The following Kytos-ng projects and NApps were released in this version. For further detailed information about what was released and what changed, please visit the release page of each project and look for the CHANGELOG.rst file.

Switches Compatibility List

The following switches have been tested with Kytos version 2023.2:

Switch Vendor Switch Firmware version OpenFlow version Environment type
OVS ovs-switchd 2.15 1.3 testing

Kytos Testing Dashboard Analytics

An overview of the Kytos-ng and end-to-end tests coverage is available on these dashboards:

Unit test code coverage has increased to at least 90% on most NApps.

GitHub statistics

In the kytos-ng organization, during the period of this release from August 2023 to February 2024:

Kytos-ng Team

  • Core Team: Vinicius, Italo, David, Rogerio, Aldo
  • Contributors (2023.2): Gretel, Heriberto Luna, Noel Ngu
  • Team Leader: Jeronimo

Special Thanks to the Kytos-ng community.

  1. Kytos-ng is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) AmLight Express and Protect (AmLIght-ExP) (Award # OAC-2029283) project members Florida International University (FIU) and rednesp (Research and Education Network at Sao Paulo/Brazil)